The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Council's Water Forums ...

Success or failure - you be the judge:

Chronicle article - about 90 people attended

Water Futures blog - 65 people - less the Councillors and 'champions'

Whether it was 65 or 90 (less Councillors, presenters and 'champions'), it shows that Toowoomba residents are not really interested in listening and watching their ratepayer money getting burned in Mayor Thorley's ratepayer funded $460,000 advertising campaign.

Toowoomba residents have generally made up their minds already.

Mayor Thorley's actions - in promoting a biased referendum question and in granting herself $460,000 of ratepayers' funds to fund her Yes campaign while giving $Nil to the No campaign just alienated more voters.

When the referendum is all said and done, it is hoped that someone will calculate the "Thorley factor" - what percentage of the No votes were attributable to Toowoomba residents being fed up with her tactics and her approach to community engagement.

Perhaps someone should tell Mayor Thorley that the conference attendees on the Sunshine Coast don't get to vote in the referendum ....


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