The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ramia to Shire water customers - take a hike ...

In today's Chronicle, Deputy Mayor Ramia says hand off Toowoomba's dams.

He rejects suggestions by Jondaryan Mayor Peter Taylor that a regional water authority with surrounding shires be formed.

Jondaryan Mayor Taylor is pushing for Toowoomba, Jondaryan, Crows Nest and Rosalie to work together to solve the region's water needs by "bringing what they have" and sorting out how it can be spread.

Ramia says its unworkable because Toowoomba owns most of the region's supplies, making the shires unequal partners.

In a clearly arrogant stance towards the other shires, Ramia says that the shire councils should look towards securing their own future water needs, although he did not rule out developing some commercial arrangements.

So Deputy Mayor Ramia is effectively telling its shire water customers to take a hike - go and find your own water.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can see the split that has clearly formed between TCC and Jondaryan. Why should Jondaryan be forced to take recycled water from Toowoomba when it doesn't solve the problem? Jondaryan have already surveyed their community and know that they don't want recycled water. The community has spoken.

9:15 PM, April 12, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

Ramia should remember when he says that we own the dams that it is the people of Toowoomba who paid for them and we will eventually decide what happens to poor old Ramia and his colleges.
This council should be drawing on all the knowledge which is available in stead they are locked up in there ivory towers and will not even talk to the community.
The people want an independent person appointed to handle the referendum and an outsider appointed as the returning officer.
Premier Beattie should look at regulation 478 and move to help the people of Toowoomba feel that we will get a fair shake when it comes to the referendum question.

3:30 AM, April 13, 2006


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