The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sewage news round up ...

As reported in today's Chronicle:

- Jondaryan Shire Mayor Peter Taylor says it is a democratic principle that all people who will be drinking water recycled from sewage have a say in the matter and a third party should be called in to run the vote.

"All people impacted by the decision should be allowed to have a say: that's the role of democracy," Cr Taylor said.

- Crows Nest Shire has indicated that it will hold its own formal count of residents who would be affected by the proposal to recycle sewage and add it to Cooby Dam. Mayor Geoff Patch said his council would hold a workshop to gauge opinion in Highfields and Blue Mountain Heights where residents are on the Toowoomba water supply.

- Rosalie Mayor Noel Strohfeld said his council was less inclined to hold a vote because of the cost and because there appeared to be little opposition to recycling sewage in the shire.

Mayor Strohfeld should talk to some of his councillors - there is a real feeling in Rosalie that the shire is being shafted with Toowoomba Mayor Thorley's plans.

- Toowoomba developer Clive Berghofer has taken to task Mayor Thorley's claim that the only solution needed to people's concern about drinking recycled sewage was for them to buy bottled water or install a rainwater tank.

Mr Berghofer told last week's Water Facts meeting the ramifications went much deeper than personal consumption, and that food producers such as Darling Downs Food Limited (formerly KR Darling Downs) would face new problems in relation to using recycled effluent in their food production processes.

Jondaryan Shire has also written to its major industries, including food producers such as Oakey Abattoirs, requesting information on how recycled water would affect their operation and their markets.

Darling Downs Foods Limited site manager Simon Taylor said the company had no comment on whether recycled water would affect its operations or markets because not enough facts are known as yet. (Seems the Toowoomba City Council is keeping businesses in the dark as well.)

- Jondaryan Shire Mayor Peter Taylor said that recycling water for human consumption was not the pressing issue, but solutions to the short-term possibility industry and the whole community might have no water within a year.

- Toowoomba City Council now has to deal with a new petition - this one over their new metered parking spaces. Seems that no-one in Toowoomba is happy with the current Council's decision making.

- And somehow Councillor Englart managed to get lost in Japan - needing to take 17 trains in one day in Tokyo - and taking 36 hours to return from Korea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could you possibly take 36 hours to go from Korea to Toowoomba?

2:43 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must have went via Singapore and visited their recycling plant.

4:20 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They got lost because Mayor Thorley was'nt there to tell them where to go. The little lambs got frightened on their own.

4:22 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and ran out of money - time for another expense claim

4:45 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was always told if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
I always reply if you feed them too many bannanas you end up with only fat monkeys. I now add with brain damage !
This council is a joke consuming money like a bloody tap with no washer.
With this level of competency we may as well shit in our water tanks and get used to drinking our own excretemnet before we have to drink Thorleys and her minions. I'm sure it's toxic waste.

Thorleys mutants !

5:58 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

certainly would reduce the iq level around town.

6:08 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simon Taylor better get of his butt and do some research about the repercussions of councils bizarre project on Darling Downs Foods. Simon says "not enough facts known yet." What facts?
Simon you know as well as I do, you can't use recycled sewage anywhere in your production, not even for washing down. Just imagine what would happen if the people you export to get wind of what type of water is proposed in Toowoomba. Even if you say you use bore water would they believe you?

7:50 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point. And what about other businesses that send products interstate and overseas? How will their buyers react?

9:08 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taylor is right - we are living in a democracy - Thorley has long forgotten that. The referendum is a good opportunity to remind her.

9:18 PM, April 12, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The food manufactures in Toowoomba should be reminded that even if they use bore water in the production of their product , do they really believe that their competition will not use this to their advantage?
Ramia would have to start worrying about Orchy and what reclaimed sewage water for the city would do to his product or more importantly to the ice his company sells.
If he dose protest and tells us that it is from a bore, then Joe that only plays into our argument!!!

6:35 AM, April 13, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checkmate Joe!!

12:46 PM, April 13, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should start a boycott of Orchy and his ice - make it hurt in the hip pocket and bring him to the negotiating table.

1:25 PM, April 13, 2006


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