The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Council risks ratepayer backlash - distributes $41,000 Water Book ...

From WIN News:


Information book

Well, finally there's an information book to answer all [?] your water questions.

Several months in the making, Toowoomba City Council's Water Book offering facts about our current water situation, our future water source options and details of the proposal to recycle our water.

See - $41,000 waste of ratepayer's funds.

Let the shredding begin ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let this council explain the change in what comes through the membrane.
Now it is non organic molecules, so what are they?
It would seem that this is exactly what our concerns are about.
I would like to have the mayor tell us what drinking recycled sewage water has got to do with being Australian! She made this outlandish statement on Win news to-night. Ramia went on and on about public meetings and how people are on either side. Well , councillor we have only had one public meeting and the council have not had the courage to call one of their own. I think they have been sipping on too much of that bottled Singapore water the Mayor has in her office.

7:21 PM, March 20, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drinking recycled sewage is as Australian as vegemite, meat pies and Holden cars!

Because - well, no-one else does it and probably no-one should because there are still too many unanswered questions ..

But damn it, it must be Australian to drink recycled sewage because the Mayor says it is.

p.s. clutching at ever smaller straws Mayor Thorley.

7:35 PM, March 20, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor's comment that criticizing her sewage project is not the Australian way is almost ridiculous - no actually it is completely ridiculous

What is completely un-Australian is the way in which her sewage project is being forced on an unwilling community.

It shows how much the Mayor is scraping the bottom of the barrel when she starts calling those who call for an independent assessment of water source options "un-Australian".

What she is witnessing is democracy at work.

How un-Australian is it to want public money spent on the best water source alternative?

How un-Australian is it to want to ensure that health concerns are dealt with?

How un-Australian is it to want to secure the best water source for Toowoomba's residents?

Maybe the Mayor can blame her advisers.

They probably told her it would be an easy sell - just tell them there are no other options, it's done everywhere (including Disneyland), hide the costs in forward budget estimates, tell them nothing gets through the membranes, make the other options look expensive, don't let them see the NWC application, scare them into thinking the water will run out by Christmas, try and bully the Federal government into granting funding, find some so-called independent experts to say it's safe etc.

It was a serious miscalculation to think they could just follow the Singapore model - that is a place where criticism of projects really is unacceptable.

Maybe that's why the Mayor is confused.

We may never know the Mayor's motivation - whether she was misled by her advisers or whether she intentionally set out to mislead and deceive Toowoomba's residents for whatever personal gain or glory.

I expect it doesn't matter - at the next election (if she dares to run), her arrogance will be repaid at the ballot box with interest.

2:17 AM, March 21, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

Mayor Thorley has really lost it when she played the UNAUSTRALIAN card. The process of objection is the Australian way and the democratic process at work!

7:07 AM, March 21, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it shows she is desperately clinging to her project in the face of overwhelming opposition.

The water book will come back to hurt her and her cronies at the next election.

12:32 PM, March 21, 2006


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