The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Voicing disapproval of Mayor Thorley ...

Another Letter to the Editor, the Chronicle (with annotations):

Value for money questioned

Between now and the next council election in 2008 the mayor is likely to be paid about $180,000 salary by ratepayers.

What are we likely to get in return for that money? [More jaunts to conferences - is she really working for the recycled water companies?]

It looks as if we will have three dry dams and no town water supply within the next 18 months. [Don't believe the Deputy Mayor's scare tactics - enough water until April 2008 assuming no more rain - see Dam levels.]

It would not be surprising if after the disastrous situation of another summer that the mayor is still talking about the so-called virtues of a recycled sewage water project.

So far past and present Thorley-led councils have failed miserably to ensure Toowoomba has an adequate water supply.

Ct Thorley should resign from her position. [She can run again at the by-election if she wishes.]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that TCC would keep going down this path or recycled effluent for drinking. Surely they must know that the people of Toowoomba do not want it. Surely they must know that they will lose the next election to a group of people opposed to it and given the three years testing this will mean it will never get off the ground. Stop wasting time with a dead-horse TCC and start looking at the alternatives before you leave a dying city as your legacy!

5:50 PM, February 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is our council insisting on have a Carnival of Flowers in 2006. They are going to install tanks in parks and pump in bore water - which probably could be used for mains water. How stupid is that.

Why bother with a carnival as people come to enjoy the many private gardens. People will instead be driving by dead gardens to see a few live ones. This will really tarnish the imagine of the Garden City.

2:07 PM, February 09, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if the city's image hasn't been tarnished enough by the mayor and her recycled sewage project.

2:42 PM, February 09, 2006


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