The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mayor Thorley - "we have to look after the health of the people" ...

Mayor Thorley was commenting on the greywater reuse issue last night on WIN News when she made the comment: "we have to look after the health of the people".

Well, Mayor Thorley, here's a golden opportunity to safeguard the health of the communities of Toowoomba and the surrounding region.

Rethink your potable reuse strategy.

Withdraw the potable use component from the Water Futures proposal and look at water source alternatives.

How hard would it be to say: "I've listened to the community and the surrounding shires. You do not want to drink recycled water so we won't do that. We will re-examine other water source options, we'll discuss these options with the community and we will resolve Toowoomba's future water needs in the most appropriate way."

The community would applaud such action ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes the community would applaud her but I would never trust her again.
She is on a downward spiral and she is taking us all with her.
As the months roll on and still no fresh supply of water in sight. Only her crap stuff.
Thorley says "we have to look after the health of the people." What a load of rubbish.
The truth is you need the volume of fluid down the pipes for your proposal. Otherwise it would be to concentrated.

2:07 PM, February 22, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Trust is certainly a different matter.

Once lost, very difficult to regain.

2:15 PM, February 22, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she was so concerned about the health of the people how come there are no local laws to stop the home handy man from busting up an asbestos fibro fence and roof next door to a school. That asbestos will be there forever and will cause cancer when inhaled.
Or the home handy man sanding an old timber house back to bare boards with lead dust being inhaled by neighbours.
These practices go on day after day and council does nothing.
Thorley now talks about concern over shampoos, cleaning products etc. getting into the soil.
Before her digusting idea of drinking recycled sewage, council encouraged people to wash cars and equipment on their grass.
She needs the greywater for her slimy little project.

8:36 PM, February 22, 2006

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

"slimy little project" - that's a very apt description!

10:01 PM, February 22, 2006


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