The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Berghofer stance finds support ...

Some interesting comments.

Perhaps underground water sources are not the only answer but the Toowoomba City Council should examine all water options in an open and transparent manner - this has not been their approach to date.

What are they afraid of?

Letter to the Editor, Toowoomba Chronicle:

Berghofer stances finds support

It has me totally baffled as to why the Toowoomba City Council's water management people do not listen to Mr Clive Berghofer's ideas on water management.

Mr Berghofer is obviously a man of vision, integrity, and has the total community of the city at heart.

He did not get where he is today by being a fool. Listen to him.

The water is under the ground. Drill for it.

If certain people in the council chamber get their way and they recycle sewage, there will be an exodus of people from this city, business will be stifled, development will cease and visitors will stay away in droves.

Would you feel clean after a shower in recycled water?

Would you feel healthy after drinking it?

The answer is no. The exodus of people may have already started.

Why are there so many houses for sale?

Look at Saturday's property section in the Chronicle. There's page after page of them.

Council, please listen to Mr Berghofer, he makes good sense. As it stands now, council's water management strategy is nothing short of pathetic.



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