The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Toowoomba Water Futures proposal upsets Commmerce Qld ...

Commerce Queensland issued a press release on 1 November as follows:

"Business Raises Further Questions over Toowoomba Water

Commerce Queensland has today raised further question over the Toowoomba Water Futures strategy, suggesting health and financial concerns have not been adequately addressed.

While the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (NRM) have supported the project, there is evidence to suggest that time pressures mean only cursory investigations have been explored.

Commerce Queensland Regional Chair South West Qld, Ken Murphy said it appeared that the NRM only reviewed limited information supplied by the Toowoomba City Council.

“Concerns voiced by Commerce Queensland regarding using recycled water, have recently intensified with the announcement that a similar project in Western Australia, will only be completed following a three year study on the potential health risks.

“CSIRO are quoted as saying they also need to be convinced about the health risks.

“Let us not forget, that in most cases recycled water is not recommended for drinking,” Mr Murphy said.

The recent NRM report estimates the NuWater project, another important Toowoomba project, as costing up to $1billion, yet actual costings put it at only $450 million.

“With this sort of discrepancy, Commerce Queensland still believes that further assessment of alternatives is absolutely necessity.

“What about the 27,000 Mega litre supply of potable water from the central aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin?

“Already areas like Pittsworth and Millmerran have been using this supply for the past 50 years, so isn’t it worth Toowoomba taking the time to consider an alternative, which has clearly proved successful in other regions?

“The major concern now is that, if we do not fully assess the alternatives and health perceptions, Toowoomba will miss out altogether on Federal Funding and the local Ratepayers may be left to pay the bill,” Mr Murphy said.

A Regional Water Plan looking at all alternatives is crucial for the overall benefit of the region."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure as hell wouldn't like to own a food outlet in Toowoomba, its value is going to go down significantly. This I would imagine has already happened, thanks to our council. Who would want to eat or drink in one of these places when recycled water is used.

8:45 AM, November 02, 2005

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

The perception risk is going to be there - particularly if Toowoomba is the only city in the region to adopt recycled water for drinking. And that's the plan so far - surrounding shires say they want more information from the Toowoomba City Council (they're being kept in the dark). Brisbane is not going to adopt recycled water for drinking. And even the Qld Premier is against it. Toowoomba looks like being the odd one out.

10:36 AM, November 02, 2005


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