The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Five Toowoomba Water myths ...

Myth 1 - There are no other alternatives to using recycled sewage for drinking in Toowoomba.

There are other options. Federal MP Ian Macfarlane has told the Council to examine and cost them. The "Sustainable Cities" Inquiry report recommends that an independent review of water options be conducted.

Myth 2 - The Council has looked at all the alternatives.

Clearly, the Council has not looked at all the alternatives in sufficient detail. This is just something the Mayor says to mislead the public.

Myth 3 - Recycled sewage is 100% safe for drinking.

Not once has the Mayor or any Councillor said that recycled sewage is without risk. Nor can they. And there are three reports in Canberra which say more research into recycled sewage is required. Why doesn't the Council mention these reports? At a minimum, the issues raised in these reports should be resolved before proceeding.

Myth 4 - The Council has discussed using recycled sewage for drinking with the community.

Everything is being done behind closed doors. Even other Councillors are being locked out of the decision making process. The Mayor is on record as saying that she does not need to discuss the recycled sewage proposal with the community. The Mayor's need to "shut down debate" is worrying.

Myth 5 - Other towns and cities in Queensland will introduce recycled sewage for drinking.

Name another place in Queensland which is considering the use of recycled water for drinking. Brisbane's Mayor is against it. Other alternatives are being reviewed for the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Towns west of Toowoomba are looking seriously at gas water - Dalby has a successful pilot plant operational. Even Jondaryan Shire which currently takes water from Toowoomba is looking at ways to become water self-sufficient to avoid taking recycled sewage from Toowoomba. There is clearly a need for a "whole of region" approach to resolving water issues.


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