The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Anna Bligh defends $2b recycled water pipeline against white elephant claims ...

Anna Bligh defends $2b recycled water pipeline

21 May 2009

Premier Anna Bligh has insisted the $2 billion recycled water pipeline was not a "white elephant" despite businesses shunning the prospect of using the water.

Ms Bligh yesterday said the pipeline was a long-term piece of infrastructure and an investment in water security for businesses of the future.

"I think anyone who describes the new water infrastructure as a white elephant has forgotten all too quickly just how close we came to running out of water," she said yesterday.

Her comments came as southeast Queensland's dam capacity surpassed 60 per cent for the first time in five years, reducing the chances of levels hitting the 40 per cent mark, which would trigger the use of recycled water.

Power stations owned by the State Government are currently the only customers of the project.

Ms Bligh said the Government had been rightly criticised for failing to plan water infrastructure during the recent crisis and the pipeline was in place to ensure the region did not run dry again.

She said while no new business had agreed to use recycled water, negotiations were continuing with the Lockyer Valley farmers who want the water for their crops.

"That is an area that has substantial potential but there is still work to be done for the farmers themselves to work out the commerciality or otherwise of the water and their access to it," she said.

However, Opposition Water spokesman Jeff Seeney said the Bligh Government was asking an unreasonable price for recycled water that made it far too expensive for agriculture.

The Government yesterday also confirmed Queensland Water Commission chairwoman Elizabeth Nosworthy was leaving the authority when her contract expired in June.

See - Courier Mail - Anna Bligh defends $2b recycled water pipeline.

$2 billion plus plus ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if and when the Lockyer Valley farmers get to use the recycled sewage on the vegetables, will they label it so every-one knows what it has been watered with?

Many of these crop absorb the nutrients into the leaves. This may not be a good selling point at all!

9:34 AM, May 21, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no specific labelling for crops grown with recycled water elsewhere in Australia. Nor for crops grown with 'organic fertilizers'.

10:08 AM, May 21, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and getting the overspray from the sprinklers on your car

9:15 PM, May 21, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:55 PM, May 21, 2009

Anonymous rloader said...

What is wrong with the Bligh Govt sending the pure fresh water to
Toowoomba? Forget the recycled sh.......

4:20 AM, May 22, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lockyer Valley irrigators get access to the recycled water they will apply it to their crops with sprinklers. It is not uncommon when driving along the highway near Gatton to cop the overspray from these sprinklers. If the water is as toxic as has been suggested motorists could have the paint work on their cars damaged and worse could breath-in the air borne droplets. If that's not a public health issue what is?

2:50 PM, May 22, 2009

Anonymous Silly watch said...

"If the water is as toxic as has been suggested motorists could have the paint work on their cars damaged and worse could breath-in the air borne droplets."

Ok that's just plain silly

3:25 PM, May 22, 2009


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