The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bligh government fails to notify towns of drinking water contamination ...

Queensland's environmental watchdog failed to warn a string of regional population centres, including the city of Rockhampton, about the discharge of contaminated floodwater into their drinking supplies.

A damning report into the Environmental Protection Agency's handling of billions of litres of chemical-laden floodwater discharged from the Ensham Mine, near Emerald, says the EPA did not issue any warning that the event would cause problems with high sodium levels in drinking water.

The EPA issued a permit in February for the water to be discharged but failed to inform Queensland Health, local councils or residents of problems associated with the floodwater's impact on drinking supplies.

By August, Queensland Health was forced to issue a health alert about increased sodium levels in the town supplies of residents whose water supplies are drawn from the Fitzroy River.

See - Courier Mail - EPA says Queensland mine flooding contaminated drinking water.

But trust us on recycled water ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Bligh tells us to trust them with putting recycled water into our drinking water supply. Why would we? This is just another example of their incompetence and cover ups.

10:22 AM, December 11, 2008


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