The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

SEQ recycled water - QCC says more education needed ...

Excerpt from ABC News:

The Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) says the State Government should concentrate on educating the public about recycled water rather than delay its introduction.

See - More education needed.

$28 million of 'education' wasn't enough ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop wasting taxpayers money - and flogging a dead horse.

What education could convince people to drink recycled WASTE water - while:

- There is plenty of RAIN water in the dam

- The cost of buying Recycled WASTE water is said to be 4 times the price of existing water.

- There appears to be no publicly available DATA on test results from the SEQ recycled water plants.

- There is no broad and balanced agreement among scientists in Australia, regarding the long term safety of drinking recycled WASTE water.

I believe Education standards in QLD need to fall a lot lower - in other words LESS education is needed - before SEQ residents will agree to be a "test case" on the effects of drinking high volumes of Recycled Waste Water continuously over their lifetimes.

There is no rush or need to drink high levels of WASTE water - and the majority of people in SEQ know it.

There are MANY other options available to governments - SEQ is on the coast - people see the rain falling - people live by the sea - the majority of people wont drink recycled WASTE water (using new technology (?) to source drinking water safely (?) from SEWAGE, HOSPITAL and INDUSTRIAL WASTE - Not now - Not EVER

The only risk I see, in not adding recycled WASTE water to our dams is - someone's profit might be lower than expected next year?

1:50 PM, November 26, 2008


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