The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

QWC's recycled water barrier which won't work ...

On Ch 9's Extra program last evening it was explained that Barrier 1 - no industrial or hospital waste - is the first part of treating sewage for reuse through household taps.

What they don't say is that there is NO way that the government can guarantee that hospitals, mortuaries and all kinds of factories will dispose of waste other than through the sewers.

Now the Bligh government can issue glossy Q2 type brochures which state that the government will issue guidelines for not pouring waste down sewers and threaten fines in case of misuse, but ultimately the government will have no control whatsoever over what is poured down the sewers.

So that's Barrier 1 anyway ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is only a lie to keep the sheeple from asking more questions about the recycled sewage plan - the Govt. does not want to answer anything.

They do not want anyone to question any part of it - they expect us all to just act like "mushrooms". There are NO plans to have hospital/mortuary or abbatoir sewage disposed of in any other way - do people think that a "sewer tanker" will come and take the effluent away so it doesn't go down the drain/sewer? And even if it was remotely possible - WHERE do you think it would be processed? They would not be allowed to dump it anywhere because it is TOXIC WASTE!

Wake up everyone do your own research and don't believe the lies you are being told.

6:47 PM, October 18, 2008


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