The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

QWC's Nosworthy continues the lies about support for potable reuse ...

QWC head and frequent pillar user Nosworthy repeats the often used propaganda:

The commissioner said 74 per cent of people in South East Queensland supported the use of purified recycled water.

She conveniently omits whether this support is for potable reuse or whether this statistic has any basis whatsoever.

It's a tried and tested formula - from the Toowoomba City Council to the State government - throw out a statistic and constant repetition in the media gives it credibility. That's the theory anyway.

Excerpt from the Chronicle:

Commissioner: Anti-recycling thoughts water under the bridge

2 August 2008

Toowoomba residents will be drinking purified recycled water from January 2010, says Queensland Water Commissioner Elizabeth Nosworthy.

That's when the pipeline will be complete and water from Wivenhoe Dam will start flowing into Toowoomba's Cressbrook Dam.

The water will top up our rapidly dwindling dam reserves and will be mixed with water from local bores.

Speaking in Toowoomba yesterday, Ms Nosworthy told business leaders and Toowoomba regional councillors that without good rains, the Garden City's water supply would run dry by March 2010.

"Other options are just not realistic," she said.

"Water from coal seam gas may be an adjunct later, but given the cost and the timeframe, it's not a solution for Toowoomba."

The commissioner said 74 per cent of people in South East Queensland supported the use of purified recycled water.

"The only reason the $187 million pipeline is being constructed is to secure Toowoomba's water supply and underpin the region's future sustainability," she said.

Ms Nosworthy said last week's relaxation of water restrictions elsewhere in South East Queensland had been taken into account and would not affect the ability of the water grid to meet Toowoomba's needs.

It is not yet clear how much residents of Toowoomba will pay for the water.

Ms Nosworthy suggested the cost would be less if it was part of the grid servicing 2.4 million residents of the region, but Toowoomba Regional Council deputy mayor Paul Antonio, who also spoke at the meeting, said he was a strong believer in local ownership.

"We can do it better than a big corporation," he said.

See - Anti-recycling thoughts water under Nosworthy's bridge.

Nosworthy is keen for Toowoomba's water assets to form part of the SEQ water grid corporate assets as it will make it more appealing for privatisation ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad thing about this is that less than 2 years a democratic vote of people in Toowoomba said No to drinking recycled sewage water - the government with the aid of the bureaucrats have continued unabated along this course which in time to come could have didasterous consequences for the health of our citizenry - who will then be there to protect us? - when Beattie and Bligh are long gone - the very people with their fat paid officials - like Nosworthy and company who is now forcing this on the people - I can only hope by openly boycotting this "water" by those of us that refuse to accept it and what it is used in will bring the politicians to their senses - we will not be silenced by bullies

10:42 PM, August 02, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the government finally has some recycled water of their own, expect a media fanfare - the best the QWC can drum up for their $28 million a year - with lots of pollies sipping Luggage Point Lager. This will just be for the cameras - you will never see a politician drinking recycled water in state parliament nor will you see the Toowoomba Regional Council councillors sipping it in their meetings. It will be Evian or Perrier billed to the taxpayers.

11:26 PM, August 02, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should ask the state government what water will be served in state parliament. Bet they duck the question.

11:44 PM, August 02, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bigger question is why is some-one like Ros Roolfe awarded the contract to build the pipeline to Cressbrook Dam from Wivenhoe. Where is the CMC when some-one so closely linked to Beattie, Nosworthy and who knows who else gets this deal?

They are all crooks looking after them self and do not care about our concerns at all.
**We have other options but they can not be viable while this Government gives jobs to the boys.

10:54 AM, August 03, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the huge profits obtained from the sale of water now as detailed in the Annual Report of Toowoomba Regional Council go to the State Govt as well once the Water Grid is operational? What a den of thieves they are and the Council we so hopefully elected seems powerless to stop them. International Socialism is at work and Labour is part of it.

6:49 AM, August 06, 2008


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