Big Cat Energy Corp - ARID device for reinjecting water into coal seams ...
Big Cat Energy Corporation has the patent rights to a new technology called Aquifer Recharge Injection Device (ARID) which allows Coal Bed Methane (CBM) operators to re-inject produced water at a fraction of the cost of current technology. This technology will be used by Big Cat Energy Corporation on a number of wells in Wyoming.
The ARID tool uses the existing well bore to move water from the target coal seam to a shallower depleted aquifer of similar water quality. With the ARID tool and process in use, the production well will not require the discharge of any produced water, or the use of a separate re-injection well for any of the produced water. The produced water never leaves the well bore as it is redirected into different aquifer zones.
See - Big Cat Energy - ARID Device.
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