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Monday, June 30, 2008

Captain Chaos update - K Rudd shows he loves VIP travel just as much as Howard ...

Excerpt from Courier Mail:

28 June 2008

Just a few weeks into his new job, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd chalked up $75,000 in taxpayer-funded VIP flights to go to the Boxing Day cricket Test in Melbourne.

Official documents released late on the final day of Parliament's budget session show a RAAF VIP Boeing 737 jet flew from Canberra to Melbourne on December 27, 2007, with Mr Rudd, his son Marcus, 14, several staff and a security detail on board.

The airliner flew back to Canberra empty and the next day returned to Melbourne to collect Mr Rudd and Marcus, as well as older brother Nicholas.

A day after he returned from the cricket, Mr Rudd, his wife Therese Rein and their two sons took a $25,000 VIP flight to Sydney to watch the New Year's Eve fireworks from the Kirribilli House veranda.


See - Courier Mail - PM took a $75,000 trip to watch the cricket.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is going tostoIt is pretty easy to spend the Public money instead of your own. Many Australians believed all the lies of the Labor Party and now they have to pout up with it. He will not be the only one. Over three years to go to the next election.

5:34 PM, July 01, 2008


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