The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Qld opposition against recycled water in dams ...

Excerpt from ABC News:

Opposition against recycled water in dams

7 May 2008

The Queensland Opposition leader says the State Government is wrong to put recycled water into south-east Queensland's dams.

Premier Anna Bligh has taken Federal Water Minister Penny Wong on a tour of the region's water grid, including a new pipe which has been laid across the Brisbane River.

Ms Bligh says recycled supplies will start going into Wivenhoe Dam in October, but Lawrence Springborg says treated water should only be used for industry and irrigation.

"Every single bit of water should be recycled and go back into non-potable use, whether it be in agriculture, power stations and industry," he said.

"Freshwater supplies should be going into potable use, that's drinking water purposes.

"I wish Anna Bligh and Penny Wong all the very best in flying around - so far they're looking at a pipe with no water in it."

See - ABC News - Opposition against recycled water in dams.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to see this opposition helping the people of Toowoomba fight the pipeline from Wivenhoe Dam as we have already said No to sewage water.
We have the option of accessing the gas water as a way of topping up our water supply..
This water is in abundance and other towns are going to use it so it must be safe!

6:58 AM, May 09, 2008


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