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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Toowoomba Regional Council sworn in ...

Smoking Joe Ramia says "I'd love to be Deputy".

See - The Chronicle - Councillors sworn in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chronicle:

First stumble for council

April 08, 2008

TOOWOOMBA Regional Council had its first stumble yesterday the second verse of Advance Australia Fair.

The councillors had gathered at Empire Church Theatre for the declaration of office ceremony.

However, they stumbled badly as Toowoomba Regional Council's (TRC) strategic planning officer James Anderssen's country voice amplified throughout the Empire Church Theatre with the words "For those who've come across the seas, we've boundless plains to share ...".

Councillors mouthed the words out of time with Councillors Anne Glasheen and Noel Strohfeld stifling a laugh.

Yet while their first choir performance was wanting, councillors Peter Taylor (mayor), Paul Antonio, Carol Taylor, Ros Scotney, Mike Williams, Ian Orford, Noel Strohfeld, Bill Cahill, Joe Ramia, Anne Glasheen and Peter Marks declared worthy intentions for council before a full auditorium.

"It's an honour and privilege to represent the people," Cr Taylor said.

"With five former mayors, four deputy mayors, one local businessman and one former councillor, we will bring considerable experience to the team."

Cr Taylor followed by each councillor in alphabetical order signed two copies of their declaration and were given a name plaque by school students from each of the eight former shires.

After the ceremony, Cr Ramia, the only former Toowoomba City councillor, spoke candidly about the deputy vote being cast this Friday.

"I'd love to be deputy," Cr Ramia said. "But at the end of the day there seems to be a policy that the higher vote-getter has the right to be deputy.

"I have heard Carol would like to be deputy. I've heard there should be a male mayor and a female deputy mayor, but I think at the end of the day you have to go with what people voted and they voted in droves for Paul Antonio."

The TRC will meet formally for the first time this Friday at 9am in Toowoomba City Hall's council chambers.

Councillors will appoint a deputy mayor and whether council will operate with committees or portfolios. The appointment of a permanent CEO will be made in the next few weeks.

5:13 PM, April 08, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke! Ramia was lucky to be elected as it would seen the community elected any-one who had the title of Mayor or Deputy Mayor and he was one of them.
This is the same fellow who was dumb enough to leave an abusive message on a ladies phone message bank. The tape is out there for all to hear.
Those who have heard it are appalled and can not understand how he is still there.
He is not Deputy Mayoral material and let's hope the new Council will see it that way.

We were all offended when we opened Monday's paper to see the new Mayor sporting 6-7 pairs of men's undies. We had hope that this sort of stupidity had ended when the last Mayor left -but maybe not.
What class of people is he trying to appeal to!

7:26 AM, April 09, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Ruby was out the back crying "I want a recount", she probably had Michele and Sue there to cry on their shoulders.

Why should Ramia be deputy mayor, he never proved himself when he was in that position here. Tough luck Joe!

11:57 AM, April 09, 2008


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