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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Toowoomba City Council bore war - lawsuits threatened ...

Excerpt from the Chronicle (annotated):

It's a question of Manners

1 September 2007

A councillor who requested information on the salt-laden Wetalla bore which cost $2.4 million alleges he was threatened with litigation.

Toowoomba City councillor Snow Manners said council's chief executive officer Philip Spencer warned him he risked being sued if a request for costs on the Great Artesian Basin bore at Wetalla led to the local government's reputation being damaged.

[So, given the reputation of the Toowoomba City Council has been trashed by the behaviour of the outgoing Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the Engineering Head and now the CEO, seems like there should be law suits all round.]

"I asked the CEO if I could have some more information because I wanted to be fully informed and I was told, if you use this information to damage the council you'll be sued under Section 250 of the Local Government Act'," Cr Manners said.

He said he was "taken aback" by Mr Spencer's comments and sought legal advice on whether he could face litigation if he publicly released the details of the bore which included drillers' logs, costings and tenders.

The advice he received suggested this was not the case.

While Cr Manners' request was met, the councillor is yet to divulge the information to which he was privy.

Mr Spencer has disputed the allegations.

"I never said he'd be sued.

"I warned him, or refreshed his memory, that since his induction as a councillor he has obligations."

The section of the Local Government Act in question details the "improper use of information by councillors" and states one must not use it "to harm the local government".

[It is not the actions of one Councillor which would harm the local government. It is the actions of the outgoing Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the Engineering Head and the CEO and the subsequent cover up which does far more damage to the Toowoomba City Council in the eyes of the public.]

Mr Spencer said the details sought by Cr Manners were not potentially damaging to council but he was concerned about the chance of a misunderstanding if sections were taken out of context.

The information will be put on the public record during a council meeting on Wednesday.

See - CEO threatens Councillor to maintain cover up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These people should be investigated at least as it would appear the community has been mislead as to the cost of the bore and maybe the salt content.

We now see our Champion very clearly and come March Cr Snow Manners will be the first Mayor of the mega shire of Toowoomba and Region.

Go to Tasmania soon Di Thorley and this city will be relieved!!!

7:45 AM, September 02, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Spencer should be reminded about the "improper use of ratepayers money". I imagine the CMC would be the people to do the job. Any logical person can see now the the no vote was the right way to go, these people can't even maintain basic water systems. Expect to see the remaining 5 yes voters start jumping the sh#t ship in the lead up to the election as they try to hang on to there cushy jobs, michelle is already starting to crack.
By the way, you loose again kevvie!
and Belinder Sanders Crappy show might be interesting for once as she announces "Anna said NO" (she will probably have a special guest talking about their goiter or some fung shui expert to avoid the issue)
The ABC and the chronicle have a lot to answer for with their pathetic reporters.

9:29 AM, September 03, 2007


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