The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

PM Howard's Murray-Darling 10 point plan ...

The points:

1. Line and pipe major water delivery channels.

2. Nationwide program to improve on-farm irrigation and metering.

3. 50/50 sharing of water savings between irrigators and government for water security and environmental flows.

4. Address over-allocation in the Murray-Darling Basin.

5. New set of governance arrangements (states to give management rights to Commonwealth).

6. Sustainable cap on surface and groundwater use.

7. Major engineering works at key basin sites.

8. Expand role of Bureau of Meteorology to provide data for decision making.

9. Taskforce to explore future land and water development in northern Australia.

10. Completion of restoration of the Great Artesian Basin.


Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Premier Beattie knows no limits to his spending of Qld taxpayers' money:


Mr Beattie also took out a full page newspaper advertisement in The Australian today in an attempt to explain his plans to fix the Murray-Darling river.

10:38 AM, February 22, 2007

Blogger Concerned Ratepayer said...

Spends it like water.

From ABC News:

Newspaper ads

Meanwhile the Queensland Premier has placed full-page newspaper advertisements on his plan to draw water from rivers in northern and western Queensland and northern New South Wales to recharge the Murray-Darling system.

The ads have appeared ahead of the state leaders meeting with Mr Howard tomorrow, with Peter Beattie promoting his call for a rethink of the Bradfield scheme.

It is part of a seven-point plan the Queensland and South Australian premiers will put to Mr Howard.

Mr Beattie says the $25,000 ads are worth the cost.

He says the ads, titled an "Open letter to Australians", is his way of pushing for a fair share of money for Queensland out of the $10 billion water fund.

Mr Beattie has called for a feasibility study and urges people to write to Mr Howard to get him to consider the water options.

He says the schemes would deliver about 2 million megalitres each year and could deliver water security for generations to come.

11:46 AM, February 22, 2007


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