The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Mayor Thorley's ultimate backdown ..

It took over 18 months but finally Mayor Thorley and engineering head Mr Flanagan have admitted what many knew all along:

Toowoomba will not run out of water.

From WIN News

2 February 2007

Mayor Thorley: But the facts are that number one we'll make sure the community doesn't run out of water. Number two I don't think the Premier of this State nor the Prime Minister would allow a population of 135,000 people to run out of water.

Mayor Thorley: The reality is the bores are coming online. The reality is that if we have to get the extra two and a half thousand megs we'll be able to go out on to the bore fields just west of here and we'll be able to sink it down into the GAB and provide water for this community.

Kevin Flanagan: With the additional bores that we are putting in, both the Toowoomba basalt and the Great Artesian basin - some of those bores going in through early February to the middle of the year, that will supply us with about 75% of our minimum demand.

But wait.

What happened to the Council's claims that the water would run out and you needed to drink recycled water or die of thirst?

What about there being no other options?

Thorley and Flanagan PR spin, nothing more.

Part of the 'do anything say anything' campaign to force you to drink recycled water - a campaign remarkably similar to the emerging claims in Brisbane ...


Blogger Water Hawk said...

The No campaigners have always told the people that this water was there .

8:42 AM, February 05, 2007


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