The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Premier Beattie outlines recycled water content ...

See - ABC News - Recycled water content and London parallel.

Maybe 10%, maybe more in emergencies. Nowhere near the 25% proposed in Toowoomba.

"Meanwhile, the Premier has revealed he is thinking about proposing a 10 per cent mix of recycled water when south-east Queenslanders vote in a plebiscite."

"There was a parallel position with London," he said.

"They had roughly 10 per cent, but they had an extreme position of 70 and I said we would go nowhere near that."


Do you get the impression he has no idea what he is talking about ...


Blogger wateruser06 said...

The simple answer is that communities in Europe and USA are not using this technology. There are examples of unplanned potable reuse in Europe and the USA. The only comparable example is Singapore (at 1%) and Orange County in California when they finish building the new plant.

The other examples often quoted - Namibia and Virginia USA - are not great examples. Namibia is more interested in greywater reuse and desalination. Virginia is reassessing its recycled sewage reuse and only wants to use it for non-potable purposes.

Even Singapore subsequently built Asia’s largest desalination plant as part of its four taps policy.

If the technology is so great, why hasn’t it been adopted anywhere but Singapore?

9:56 AM, December 02, 2006

Blogger Greg said...

Only those blinded by the drought could not see the obvious dangers of putting our precious dam water at the mercy of an untrusted and virtually untested technology. We cannot even cure the common cold but we can suck safe water out of our cities noxious wastewater and safely drink it. Who's kidding who here, take a good look at the technology and see if you could believe it to be so and then tell yourself to trust it! And remember it is not just you that will be using this water over 2 million people will be and I for one would not like to make that sort of decision for other people. Feel at ease with yourself and vote no, other water saving techniques will then be brought online so do not be scared by the threat of running out of water because if our dam water now runs dry and the drought continues then ask yourself how on earth is reusing 10 percent of our wastewater going to help us (we will all have to move or Beattie will be forced to use the sensible of option of De-Sal as the ocean isn't effected by the drought. This is just a cheap nasty panic plan by Beattie to save his ass for a little while longer if the so called arnmageddon theory arises, how could he neglect our water infrastucture for so long and threaten the very place we call home. He actually should resign and so should our Mayor Di Thorley and they should stop blaming climate change and the drought for our predicament because it was there own shortcomings that allowed this whole scenario to arise. I remember several years back driving around this city and seeing sprinklers watering grass all over the place even during times when we were getting good rain. If our leaders had have took a more sensible approach to water conservation back then we would not be in this predicament. Industry overkill of water use, excessive watering of lawns (particularly by council) with sprinklers, banning tanks and lots lots more of things are to blame and it is our government that has control over these things.

Sorry for the long post but there will be a lot more from me as I,m quite annoyed about the fact that I have to vote again and the fact that now we get the pipeline from Wwivenhoe just so we have to when before it was a no go!

4:36 PM, December 02, 2006

Blogger Water Hawk said...

How can you tell when Premier Beattie is lying?

Answer: When he opens his mouth!

1:23 PM, December 03, 2006


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