The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kevin Flanagan - I'm angry ...

With only himself and Mayor Thorley to blame for their poorly planned recycled sewage project and poorly managed strategy to introduce it to Toowoomba, Council's head of engineering services recently came out swinging:

Mr Kevin Flanagan, Director of Engineering Services in Toowoomba City Council is an engineer and has been responsible for supplying water to Toowoomba residents for over 17 years.

“I am frustrated, angry and disappointed. I’m especially frustrated that the debate was not based on sound science. It was not a debate about water but about politics and vested interests. The community of Toowoomba has been subjected to a nasty and extensive scare campaign. Recycled water remains a very worthwhile and safe option for communities to consider.”

Source - - I'm angry.

Mr Flanagan is especially frustrated that the debate was not based on sound science.

Who was it who told the community that the gas water was poisonous?

Who was it who said publicly that there were no other options and Toowoomba would run out of water?

Which side went into Toowoomba's schools and told the children that one day there would be nothing coming out of their water taps?

The only 'nasty and extensive scare campaign' came from the Toowoomba City Council and its supporters, including:

- threats to businesses if they did not support the Mayor's project.

- threats to individuals for speaking out against the project.

If Mr Flanagan had started with a recycled sewage project that at least would work, perhaps the community would have some sympathy for the belting he no doubt received from the Mayor after the referendum.

But to propose a project which would never work garners no sympathy.

To have known that Acland Coal did not want to take the RO waste stream but continue to perpetrate the lie that they would is unforgivable.

If the Yes campaign want to know who to blame for their failure, they need only look in the mirror ...


Blogger Water Hawk said...

How out of touch are these people!!

We had to fight not only all of their lies but a spiteful media.

Even in the face of all of that
We Won, We Won!!!!!

Truth will always win out and there's more to tell.

2:41 PM, August 15, 2006


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