The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Why fear and desperation now drive the Yes campaign ...

Political and administrative careers hang in the balance.

As each day passes, they know that they have backed the wrong horse in the water resource race.

They resort to increasingly bizarre and desperate methods to tempt voters to their meetings.

Can't 'educate' them if they won't attend. Can't go into their homes to do so.

The recycled water industry shakes its collective head at their campaign approach and each new gimmick.

Any attempt to introduce recycled water for drinking requires a careful long-term approach and must be based on a sound rationale.

How damaging has their campaign been to the recycled water industry?

Much will be written on this in the future.

Their arguments in favour of the recycled water project were flawed from the start and attempts to cover up missing documents, approval abnormalities and project deficiencies are obvious to all.

But for the main players, they need to win. The alternative is too horrible.

It will mean they have not been believed. The public has viewed them with suspicion. They have not bought their arguments.

It will mean renewed calls for their resignations and questions will be raised regarding their conduct.

It is 'crash or crash through' time.

For failure is complete.

And in the wings are countless investigations relating to personal conduct and statements made during the debate.

It has been farcical - you'd think it a comedy if it were not for the gross abuse of process and waste of ratepayers' funds.

If only it had happened somewhere else ...


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