The 4350water Blog highlights some of the issues relating to proposals for potable reuse in Toowoomba and South East Qld. 4350water blog looks at related political issues as well.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

$3 million for the recycled sewage visitors centre (update) ...

Something the Council has hidden from Toowoomba's ratepayers.

The visitors centre for the proposed recycled sewage plant (a glorified showcase for the recycled sewage companies to show off their wares to other potential buyers) is estimated to cost the taxpayers $3 million.

This information is contained in the NWC application - the Council has not voluntarily told Toowoomba ratepayers about this.

Why is it needed?

Update - the visitor centre at the NEWater facility in Singapore cost S$5 million (around A$4.1 million). The proposed Toowoomba visitor centre is modelled on Singapore's example and will cost a similar amount. Singapore's includes:

- NEWater cascading down the sides of two glass walls

- An auditorium and six interactive multimedia stations

- Videos and computer games.

See - Singapore NEWater facility.

Recycled sewage cascading down walls?

Video and computer games?

Click here to view images of the NEWater visitors centre.

Is this really necessary?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just shows more of the underhanded tactics going on in Council.

Why would it cost $3 million to build a information centre. What a rip off.

8:42 AM, December 28, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You couldn't be blamed if you thought that web site was there to entice Toowoomba residents into accepting this recycled water.
I see no proof whatsoever that the water is safe.
They say it is and they say it has been tested but those are just words.
I had my house tested for radioactivity yesterday, yep!, it is safe.
See what I mean!
Words do not mean nothing where certain things are concerned.
They certainly aren't going to tell you it isn't safe are they?

As for the 3 million dollar info center. What! To inform us we are drinking recycled effluent.
How bloody stupid is this council! The Mayor must have rocks in her head or should I say t..ds.
That money would be better off going to the childrens hospital or something else worthwhile.

11:46 PM, December 28, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that the cost of the visitor centre is nowhere to be seen on the Toowoomba Water Futures website is scandalous. Once again, the Council is hiding the facts from its ratepayers.

11:12 AM, December 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe will could rename it:

Poowoomba's Lavoratory

9:15 AM, December 30, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who wants to see recycled water cascading down walls - why is this necessary?

12:39 PM, December 30, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting comments regarding CH2M Hill's involvement in the Singapore project:

"The water-reclamation facility, which supplies the island nation with 3 million gallons of drinking water daily, launched an award-winning public information campaign prior to its opening. By publicizing the importance of reclaimed water to the country's continued economic success, and also noting that a new water source could significantly decrease Singapore's dependence on nearby Malaysia's rivers, public officials put to work Slovic's principle of decreasing people's perception of risk by highlighting benefits.

A visitor's center, integrated into the plant, continues to underscore the benefits of reclaimed water, says Linda Macpherson, vice president of CH2M HILL, the company that designed the plant.

The Singapore facility also overcomes psychological barriers to reclaimed water by injecting the treated water into natural reservoirs, which, as previously noted, makes the water's origins less salient, says Haddad. And calling the water NEWater, as opposed to reclaimed wastewater, helps people frame out its origins, notes Rozin. Although, Macpherson adds, the name does accurately reflect the water's path through natural water sources."

8:26 PM, January 03, 2006


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